Empowering last mile care through connectivity!

Find my care

My Health Online

Get treatment anywhere, while keeping track of your medication history!

Find care near you!

Locate nearby hospital, clinic or pharmacy

Video call anywhere

Thousand of doctors & experts to help your health!
Health checks & consultations easy anywhere anytime!

Chat with your Doctor the way you want!

Chat Directly in the app!
Get health service right at your finger tips.

Chat directly in the App!

We make it easier for you to get health-service help right when and where you need it.

Care at your fingertips!
We take charge of finding the right care for you and your loved ones.
Book a Telecall
Book an Appointment
Video call anywhere
Pharmacy near me
Book a home visit
Hospital/Clinic near me

Help when the time is right!

Access care when it's convenient for you and your family, whether that's now or later!

Never Loose a record!
All your health records secured within the platform.

Your privacy matters!

Private conversations

end-to-end encrypted conversations

Secured records

Choose who can access your Medical records.

Control your personal data.

Never loose a record

Your medication records are always saved, so you can get treatments anywhere while keeping track of your medication history!

Transfer Insurance headache and Logistics to Tawi

Tawi Health partner with your Health insurance provider for seamless medical bill deductions.

Learn more

Partnering for your health!

Havard Innovation Lab
Africa Oxiford Innitiative
African Research Universities Aliance
Dunin Deshpande